Israeli Couscous and Grilled Tomato Salad

Israeli Couscous and Grilled Tomato Salad

Sometimes there is nothing better on a warm summer night than firing up the grill to cook some fresh summer veggies.  Unfortunately, I live in a small Manhattan apartment with no outdoor space, so a grill is a luxury I don’t always have access to.  So whenever I’m on vacation and there is a grill on premises, I try to take advantage of it as much as possible. I’ll stock up on fresh local corn, summer squash, and fresh local tomatoes right off the vine.  Toss them with a little olive oil, salt and pepper, throw them on the grill and within 10 minutes you have the perfect, healthy side dish. Continue reading

Rustic Plum Galette

Rustic Plum Galette

Well this spring absolutely flew by. And while it seems like I was just complaining about the unbearably cold winter that we faced here in NYC, pretty soon you’re going to start reading my rants about the insufferable heat we poor New Yorkers have to face while we cram into steamy, overcrowded subway cars.  But not yet.  No – not quite yet – because this week we’re talking about sugar-plum fairies desserts, glorious summer recipes and my favorite place on earth.  Continue reading