Kentucky Bourbon Cake #BundtBakers

Kentucky Bourbon Cake

I’m trying so hard not to talk about the weather, because it’s so boring, I know, but I just can’t help myself.  It’s frigid here in NYC, and I’m just not ready for it. Yesterday marked the lowest recorded high temperature since 1882.  That’s right, at a muggy 33 degrees, this time of the year has not seen these kind of temperatures in over a century.  So what can we do to keep ourselves warm? I’ll tell you what – drink (responsibly of course).  Because when life brings you frigid temperatures, keep yourself warm with a strong drink and a slice of this Kentucky Bourbon Cake.  It’s cold outside, and bourbon keeps you warm, it’s really just science. Continue reading

Homemade Nutter Butter Cookies

Homemade Nutter Butters

A few weeks ago, my boyfriend brought home a single serving pack of Nutter Butters and left them on the kitchen table.  I don’t know where or why he got them, but they sat on our table for a week without being touched, taunting me.  We don’t usually keep a lot of snacks in our apartment, partially because grocery shopping in New York is the worst, and mostly because I just don’t like having snacks around – I’m weak and get tempted too easily.  Cheez-Its, for example, are simply banned from the apartment because I could eat the whole box in one sitting.  I’m not proud.  Continue reading

Creamy Carrot Soup with Potato

Creamy Carrot Soup with Roasted Potatoes

One of the things I love best about cooking is that you can never stop improving your skills in the kitchen. There are always new dishes to try, techniques to master and menus to plan. While I’ve never had any formal training, learning most of what I know from watching my parents at home and my culinary idols on the Food Network, I like to think I know my way around a kitchen, at least for the most part.  But one thing I’ve never been super confident about, and a skill that is absolutely essential to be a serious cook, is knowing how to properly use a chef’s knife.  Continue reading

French Tomato Tart and my trip to Paris and Provence

Easy Tomato Tart

A few weeks ago, my family and I went on an unbelievable trip to France.  We spent 10 days living the good life  – our time split evenly between Paris, the city of lights, and Provence, the land of olive groves, vineyards and picturesque mountaintop towns. I couldn’t have asked for a better vacation. Absolute joie de vivre. 


Paris Cheese

In Paris, we rented a beautiful apartment in Le Marias, and enjoyed all of the local shops and groceries to every extent we could.  We were lucky enough to be staying just around the corner from a wonderful boulangerie-pâtisserie, and every morning we planned our day over steaming cappuccinos, freshly made baguettes smothered with sea-salt butter,  and flaky, buttery pastries.  Continue reading