My favorite Banana Bread

My favorite Banana Bread

Whenever I buy a bunch of bananas, it never fails that I have at least 2 or 3 left at the end of the week that have turned completely black and are no longer very appealing for topping cereal or sliced on peanut butter toast. I realized this past weekend that I’ve probably been doing it on purpose…because you can’t make banana bread without over-ripe, almost rotten, bananas.  Continue reading

Huevos Rancheros and my trip to Mexico

Huevos Rancheros

This winter has been a doozy.  I’ve lost count of the major snow storms here in NYC, and the forecast for the next few weeks is not looking much different. The cold weather and continuous gray skies have really been taking a toll on my mental health, and it seems I’m not alone. Everyone seems just a bit more on edge, making winter in New York even more unpleasant. Warm weather seems so far away, despite the fact that today marks the official first day of Spring. There’s only one way to escape the misery that is NYC in winter – a beach getaway.  So that’s exactly what we did.  Continue reading

Spicy Caramel Popcorn

Spicy Caramel Popcorn

The Oscars were on last night, and I realized I have not yet seen any of the nominees for Best Picture. I hate to say it, but I guess I’m just not a movie person. I find that when it comes down to it, if I have the choice between going to a movie, and doing almost anything else, I generally choose the latter. It’s not that I don’t like movies because I do. But going to the movies can be a gamble, and a complete time suck. I’m picky, and if it winds up being a movie I don’t enjoy…the plot is boring…the characters are disengaging…Anne Hathaway is a leading role, or for whatever the reason – I totally regret going. I walk out of the theater knowing I wasted at least 2 hours of my day – time that could have been put to such better use…like binge watching Downton Abbey on my DVR.  It’s a commitment that I just can’t justify making. Continue reading