Roasted Brussels Sprouts Flatbread with Creamy Greek Yogurt

Roasted Brussels Sprouts Flatbread with Creamy Greek Yogurt

If your holidays were anything like mine, they were filled with an heart-warming array of family, friends, laughter, and cheer.  Our celebrations were also filled with copious amounts of cookies, cakes, gratins, casseroles, cheese, bread, sugar, and of course, lots and lots of wine. To top it all off, I went with a big group of friends on a ski vacation to Whistler, BC over New Year’s, and while we spent the days skiing and working off some of that holiday “cheer”, we spent the nights more than making up for it, stuffing our faces and drinking like we were back in college. Needless to say, I’m ready to get back to conscious eating and a healthy lifestyle.  Continue reading

Brussels Sprouts Salad with Creamy Caesar Dressing

Brussels Sprouts Salad with Creamy Caesar Dressing

One of the many amazing things that I love about living in New York City is the endless list of restaurant options.  It can be overwhelming for an avid home cook, because while I enjoy staying home and cooking, I also thoroughly enjoy discovering new restaurants and dining out. Often when it comes to choosing between cooking something at home, and going out to eat, I’ll choose the latter.  While this significantly depletes my wallet, it contributes heavily to my recipe catalogue.  I love sourcing recipes from restaurants that I visit, and whenever I am feeling a lull in creativity in the kitchen, I look to some of my favorite restaurants and dishes for inspiration.  Continue reading

Roasted Brussels Sprouts


I believe that there are two types of people in this world: people who love Brussels sprouts and then people who haven’t tried roasted brussels sprouts yet.   Sure, there may be some who say they don’t like the utterly delicious vegetable, but they have probably only ever had them after they’ve been turned to mush.  Maybe they were forced to eat them as a child – steamed and tasteless – and never fully appreciated the limitless variations of this amazing ingredient.  I am certain that these people have not yet experienced the delectable, crispy, roasted brussels sprouts. Continue reading